Booker T. Washington High School Class of 1976

Salutes Black History Month



President Barack Obama came to Memphis on Monday bearing the gift of recognition that a high school, Booker T. Washington, and a city each needed to receive. While the president was here, he took aboard Air Force One some choice Memphis barbecue, courtesy of the Rendezvous restaurant and Interstate Barbecue.

Giving each one of the 155 graduates of Booker T. Washington a handshake and a send-off into the post-graduate world that, surely, none of them will ever forget, President Obama delivered, as promised, the school's commencement address Monday at the Cook Convention Center.

President Obama was formally introduced by Christopher Dean, the student who was featured in BTW's prize-winning video that won out over other schools' entries in the 2011 Race to the Top Commencement Challenge — the prize for which was the president's appearance at graduation.

"We are here today because every single one of you stood tall and said, 'Yes, we can.'"

President Obama then went on to note the accomplishments that, along with the video, allowed BTW to prevail over other entries in the Commencement Challenge. They included a rising graduation rate which has led to four out of five students getting their diplomas and the fact that 70 percent of BTW's graduates had resolved to go on to pursue further studies. He reviewed several curriculum changes at BTW — special 9th-grade academies, AP classes, participation in robotics competitions. "And you didn't just create a new curriculum, you created a new culture — a culture that prizes hard work and discipline."

Booker T. Washington had "proven that we can't accept excuses," Obama said. "Success is possible. And, if success can happen here, it can happen anywhere in Memphis. And if it can happen anywhere in Memphis, it can happen anywhere in Tennessee. And if it can happen anywhere in Tennessee, it can happen all across America."

The president recalled for the audience some facts of his own upbringing, including the fact that he, like many of the Booker T. Washington students, had been raised through difficult times by a single mother but that his mother and grandparents had "refused to permit me to make excuses," encouraging him to pursue the education which had led to his current status in life.

"Not a single one of you has had anything handed to you on a silver platter," Obama said, and he went on to recount as examples some significant travails in the lives of Dean and another Booker T. Washington student, Eron Jackson.

Congratulating the graduates, the president concluded, "Thanks for inspiring me, and God bless you!" He then took his place in line as each student's name was called to receive a diploma, giving each of them a handshake and often a hug as they crossed the stage.




Warriors: “We Lead and Others Follow!”



Our Mission:    To reconnect with classmates

Coordinate class reunion

Retain fine traditions of illustrious institution (BTW)

Support development of future generation

Establish a scholarship fund for current students







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